D.A. Powell – April 15

Columbia University

D.A. Powell  joins Columbia’s Creative Writing Lecture Series for a a craft talk, The Sniff of the Real.

Columbia University School of the Arts
Dodge Hall 413, 8:15 pm
Free and open to the public.

Map to Dodge Hall

D. A. Powell is the author of TeaLunch and Cocktails. The latter was a finalist for the Lambda and the National Book Critics’ Circle Awards. Powell’s honors have included fellowships from the Millay Colony, the National Endowment for the Arts and the James Michener Foundation, as well as a Pushcart Prize, the Lyric Poetry Award from the Poetry Society of America and an Academy of American Poets Prize. In reviewing Cocktails, the New York Timessaid of D. A. Powell “No accessible poet of his generation is half as original, and no poet as original is this accessible.”

Powell’s most recent book is Chronic (Graywolf, 2009). Along with David Trinidad and a cast of hundreds, he is the co-author of By Myself: An Autobiography (Turtle Point, 2009).

D. A. Powell’s work appears in numerous anthologies, including Norton’s American HybridLegitimate Dangers: Poets of the New Century and Best American Poetry 1998. His recent poems appear in Kenyon ReviewPoetry NorthwestNew England Review and A Public Space.

Powell has taught at Columbia University, the University of Iowa’s Iowa Writers’ Workshop and New England College. A former Briggs-Copeland Lecturer in Poetry at Harvard University, he now teaches full-time in the English Department at University of San Francisco.
