School of the Art Institute of Chicago – February 7

Sam Lipsyte & Ben Marcus

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago


Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 6:00 p.m.
SAIC Columbus Auditorium, 280 S. Columbus Dr.
Free admission

A 2008 Guggenheim Fellow, Sam Lipsyte is the author of the story collection Venus Drive and three novels: The Ask (New York TimesNotable Book for 2010), The Subject Steve, and Home Land (New York Times Notable Book for 2005 and winner of the first annual Believer Book Award). Lipsyte’s fiction has appeared in The New YorkerHarper’sThe Paris Review, and Best American Short Stories 2011.

Ben Marcus is the author of four books of fiction: Notable American WomenThe Father CostumeThe Age of Wire and String, and The Flame Alphabet, and he is the editor of The Anchor Book of New American Short Stories. His stories have appeared in The New YorkerHarper’sThe Paris Review and McSweeney’s.

Presented in collaboration with SAIC’s Writing Department. Provided by the MCA store, books by both authors will be available for purchase (credit cards only). 
