The Father Costume

by Ben Marcus


from p. 48

“It was a small night.  Many people must have died for lack of space.  The weather was tuned to a shrink setting.  The air was swollen.  Beneath us, the waves slapped at the hull in a plain, repetitive code.  If I tried, I could just make out small, sharp words in the code, English words as if formed by a man with a beak for a mouth, singing through a cotton screen.  He was another man I didn’t want to know.  I found it was better not to listen.  They were not words I very much cared to hear.  But as I slid around inside my oversized costume, the world grew quiet again and soon I could sleep, a darkness over my body as thick and final as one of the very first wools.”


The Father Costume was published by Artspace Books with images by Matthew Ritchie.  Here is a recent review.



